Super Coating satin

jar 20cc
Sales price 4,25 €

Rod varnish for classic painting of a blank and of finishing wrappings satin/matte.

Properties and processing

- easy to process, best with a big very clean pencil for painting a blank - use a brush for the wrappings
- when used on and old rod sand the surface with 320/360 for good bonding
- rotating while drying works best - apply (wrappings) second layer on winding within 24 hours
- dust dry after 4 hours - full hardness after about a week 
- bonding directly on carbon is limited - best to test before proceeding
- harness is limited it is a one compound finish - better keep your rodparts separate during transport


RodVisions Components
Molenweg 23
7382BV Klarenbeek


Tel.: +31(0)55-3666256
Mob.: 06-19326927