Cork segment 250 x 23mm

bore 8/11mm
Sales price 18,95 €
diameter x length x inner dia.

The highest quality grips are made of super grade 30mm cork rings. This requires quite some skills, tricks and tools. Cork segments are an excellent and less difficult alternative to create fine cork grips. These A quality 250mm long segments are available in two bores.

- excellent A quality segments with an o.d. of 23 mm - 250mm length - one side is flared up to 26mm
- accurately and precisely finished - two straight bores 8 and 11 mm
- because of the straight bore suited to place under the seat on already built rods
- choose the bore that fits the max. o.d. and fill out the taper of the blank with straps and tape
- make sure all tape bands have the same rotation - apply little glue in the segment and also on the blank
- slide the segment to the right spot constantly rotating the same direction as the tape bands


RodVisions Components
Molenweg 23
7382BV Klarenbeek


Tel.: +31(0)55-3666256
Mob.: 06-19326927