seat ALPS CAH-18LX

Alps CAH-18LX FT/LT and B
Sales price 29,75 €

Alps channellock reel seats CAH18-LX are made of marine grade anodized aluminum and 100% seawater resistant. Light weight, slim and beautifully finished. The seats feature a soft synthetic lining in the hoods which also ensures a perfect fit for virtually all big-pit reels. Exceptions Shimano 6500 US and a few dated Daiwa's. The CAH-18LX has an 'open' body with incert (the tube). At a blankdiametre close to 17 mm 'blank exposed' assembling is possible.

- i.d. seat without the incert 17.3 mm - i.d. of the incert (the tube) 15.3 mm - 130 mm total length
- before assembling the incert and seat must be accurately glued together with epoxy glue
- optionally you could apply epoxy finish in the cut out sections - use a small brush and rotate the rod part
- this will give an even better connection of incert and seat and will seal all small gaps

cah3222 cahx3221
cahx322 cah-lx6



RodVisions Components
Molenweg 23
7382BV Klarenbeek


Tel.: +31(0)55-3666256
Mob.: 06-19326927